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More Proverbs

Proverbs 21:9

It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

Why are some men always away from home? They hunt, work extra hours, golf, live in their workshop, manicure the lawn, stay in the basement, or listen to music with headphones. Why? They are avoiding the dreadful creature they foolishly married.

God created Eve to be the perfect companion for Adam (Gen 2:18). Marriage gives a man his own wife for pleasant company, mutual help, and sexual pleasure. But sin corrupted God's design, and selfish women became yapping, nagging irritants at home.

How did we corrupt God's creation (Eccl 7:29)? A man's greatest pleasure becomes his greatest pain! His greatest treasure his greatest loss! His best friend his worst enemy! His source of peace and comfort his endless misery (12:4)! See the comments on 19:13. When the victim realizes his grave error, his spirit is stricken, and he is forced to surrender and withdraw to find his only comfort in the quiet solitude of other pursuits.

A brawling woman is a noisily quarrelsome, wrangling, clamorous, noisy, and bawling woman. You have mostly heard her - she is usually talking, correcting, debating, scolding, suggesting, reminding, and otherwise making herself an unbearable nuisance. Attempts to correct her meet with failure, for her unruly pride cannot submit or shut up.

How widespread is the problem? Solomon warns us five other times with proverbs similar to this one (12:4; 19:13; 21:19; 25:24; 27:15-16). It is a common problem, especially in our rebellious age, when women no longer know their God-ordained place.

It is better ... do you hear the Preacher? He gives one of the wise priorities of life. It is better to live on the roof than in a large house with such a woman. It is better to be single, alone and lonely, than to cohabit with this onerous wretch in a joyless marriage.

The infinite God, who created the woman for the man, declared that a meek and quiet spirit is of great price, far more valuable than improvement in appearance (I Pet 3:3-4). External decorating can never cover the inward blemish of a contentious spirit (11:22; 27:15-16). He promised such a woman will be praised by husband and children (31:28).

Young man, reject her! Thoughtless impulse, desperate need, or foolish infatuation will torment you fifty years. Let married men meet and test your prospect and her mother; let them check for a whiff of that odious spirit. Any character flaw you find before marriage will be ten times worse later (30:21-23). And this deformity does not improve with age!

Henpecked husband, have you already married poorly? If she fears the LORD, take her to the tribunal of Scripture and let her read her Creator's orders. Find a church where the man of God will rebuke and instruct her for you. Expose her to gracious women. If she does not fear the Lord, pick the corner of the roof with the least exposure!

Christian girl or woman, hate this repulsive creature as much as the strange woman. Listen for her constant chatter, whining complaints, negative observations, rude interruptions, overbearing corrections, nagging reminders, selfish suggestions, or haughty questions. Vow before your LORD you will never live one day of her life. Submission is your role and duty (Eph 5:22-24); rejecting it destroys your true beauty. Graciousness will secure you perpetual respect (11:16); reverence will earn you everlasting esteem (Eph 5:33; I Pet 3:5-6); quiet reserve will exalt your spirit (17:27).
















































































































