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More Proverbs

Proverbs 29:10

The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.

You are in a war. Which side are you on? You are in a war. Are you prepared for battle? It will come. The wicked of this world hate the righteous and want to shed their blood, but just men love those same saints and want their prosperity and companionship.

From the very beginning, in the first family on earth, this violent conflict was quickly visible, for Cain murdered his younger brother Abel. Why did Cain do such a wicked and abominable thing? His deeds were evil, and he hated Abel for being good (I Jn 3:12).

As hard as it may be for some to comprehend such malicious hatred, the murderous spirit of Satan still controls the hearts of the human race (John 8:44; Eph 2:1-3). Only God's restraining hand keeps Satan from using them against the saints today! The hatred is burning viciously, but God has bound His enemy from most outward acts. However, the time for a loosing and bloodletting may be fast approaching (Rev 12:12-17; 20:7-9).

This deep and depraved antagonism surprises most, for they have not heard it preached or seen it in action. Their carnal religion, with only a form of godliness and greater love for pleasure than love for God, does not draw the violent hatred of Satan or the wicked. For please notice, the bloodthirsty hate "the upright." The contemporary churches and carnal Christians that comprise 99% of Christianity today do not qualify. Satan need not hate or persecute them - they are doing a fine job already destroying the kingdom of God.

But the malignant despite against true saints has never abated. The righteous hate the wicked; and the wicked hate the righteous (29:27; Ps 139:19-22). Good men abominate scorners; and scorners hate them (24:9; 9:8). The wicked watch, plot, gnash with their teeth, and conspire to kill the righteous (Ps 37:12,32). Believe it, wise reader.

Under God's throne is the most glorious and precious congregation ever assembled - the martyrs of God (Rev 6:9-11). Those who hate the upright murdered them, as Solomon taught. Many of them suffered unspeakable torments and tortures before they were allowed to die. Wise readers will read and reflect a little on some of the histories of these brutal campaigns against the saints. They are our worthy heroes (Heb 11:35-38).

Consider our Lord Jesus. He healed a man, and the religious leaders immediately conspired to destroy Him (Matt 12:13-14)! There is a spirit in this world, the prince of the power of the air, Satan is his name, which stirs and directs the wicked in their violent anger and hatred against the righteous. It was never more obvious than against our Lord.

Jesus told His disciples the world hated Him because he told them their way of life was wrong (John 7:7). He further told them the world would hate them as well, for He had chosen them out of the world, and they were no longer part of it (John 15:18-19). Should we expect the same? "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you" (I John 3:13).

Dear reader, this world hates any man or woman who will take a stand for righteousness and holiness. If you live godly in Christ Jesus, you shall suffer persecution (II Tim 3:12). For these perilous times of the last days are filled with religious people who are "despisers of those that are good" (II Tim 3:3). Why do they hate a person just because he is good? Think Satan. Think Cain. Think the Pharisees.

If you and your church are not despised and hated by the world, then you are living wrong. It is that simple. Jesus said He did not come to bring peace for His disciples; He came to bring a sword; and a man's enemies would be from his own family (Matt 10:34-36). You are in a war. Are you prepared for battle? It will come. Lord, help us.

We understand "the just" to be seeking the soul of the upright, not the soul of the bloodthirsty. We make this choice in interpretation for three reasons: because the just do seek the soul of the upright, they do not seek the soul of the bloodthirsty, and it is that antecedent closest to the pronoun "his".

David sought any who feared the Lord to be his friends (Ps 119:63), but he had no time or desire for the wicked (Ps 119:115). He could not stand evil men in his sight, presence, or house (Ps 101:3-8). Here is a good example of a just man for us to follow.

The just seek the soul of the upright. The righteous love one another, and they seek one another's welfare (John 13:35). God's true ministers must be lovers of good men (Tit 1:8), and they are (II Tim 1:3-4; II John 1:1; III John 1:1). Ah, dear reader, check your heart by this measure. Do you love the upright? Are your best friends the most holy people you know? Do you crave their righteous fellowship and serving them well?

Saul tried to kill David, but Jonathan sought him out and protected him. Jezebel tried to kill God's prophets, but Obadiah hid one hundred of them in caves and fed them (I Kgs 18:3-4). The obstinate Jews plotted to destroy Jeremiah, but Ebedmelech rescued him (Jer 38:1-13). Herodias hated John for condemning her adultery and killed him, but his disciples sought even his headless body for proper burial (Mark 6:16-29).

The bloodthirsty Jews hated our Lord Jesus Christ, and they betrayed and murdered Him violently, though there was no sin in His life at all (Is 53:9). He was flawlessly and immaculately perfect, so they hated Him and crucified Him cruelly by Roman soldiers. Yet there were just men from every nation who sought Him like no other (John 12:20-22; Luke 10:38-42), and there are yet today a scattered few who still seek the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ (Is 1:9), in spite of the world's ferocious hatred of Him and them.











































































































