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More Proverbs

Proverbs 28:9

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

How do you listen to preaching? The noble Bereans received Paul's preaching with very ready minds (Acts 17:11), but the Jews of Jerusalem plugged their ears and would not listen to Stephen (Acts 7:51-60). Where do you fall between these two extremes?

God had preachers under the old covenant that taught the people by verbal instruction (II Chron 17:8-9; Ezra 7:10; Neh 8:1-12; Jonah 3:1-2; Mal 2:7). In fact, the writer of these proverbs is called the Preacher (Eccl 1:1-2,12; 7:27; 12:8-10). And of course, we have preachers even today under the new covenant (Rom 10:14; I Tim 2:7; II Tim 4:2).

The Lord warns that He will reject the prayers of those who do not listen submissively. In fact, He will consider their prayers to be abominations! Here is a very serious warning about our attitude toward the preaching of God's word. He explained to the regathered Jews this was the reason for their horrific punishment by the Babylonians (Zech 7:7-14).

How were the Bereans noble? Consider Acts 17:11 closely. First, they heard Paul with extremely receptive minds. They did not listen scornfully, raising their own opinions, objections, or foolish questions against his preaching. They wanted to hear; they wanted to believe; they were thankful they had a man of God to declare the Scriptures to them.

Second, they searched the Scriptures daily to confirm that Paul was indeed preaching truth. They did not try to undo the pastor's many hours of study and a lifetime in the word of God with five minutes in a concordance looking for excuses to disobey. Such is the mentality and efforts of foolish and unlearned questions, which true preachers ignore.

Human pride is horrible, and it often shows up when the sermon is against one of our sins. Remember that pastors are at war against our opinions (II Cor 10:3-6); he has studied the subject 100 times more than we have; he is preaching to the varied needs of many people; he has a divine mandate to be absolutely true to Scripture alone without regard for men (Jer 1:17); and he is not preaching a personal agenda, but bringing commandments from the King of kings. Can you remember these things, dear reader?

Paul, knowing the temptation to resent such preaching, warned in I Thessalonians 5:20, "Despise not prophesyings." God has warned in both testaments to listen attentively and submissively. Our Lord Jesus soberly brought his parable of the sower to a conclusion by saying, "Take heed therefore how ye hear" (Luke 8:18). His judgment is severe - He will take from the stubborn listener the little knowledge he thinks he has.

Cornelius gives us one of the best examples of receptive hearers, when he assembled his family and friends to hear "all things that are commanded thee of God" (Acts 10:33). And Israel held a great celebration for understanding preaching that pointed out duties they had overlooked (Nehemiah 8). The Thessalonians heard Paul's preaching as all preaching should be heard - as the very words of God (I Thess 2:13).

No sermon is perfect, as honest preachers will tell you. There are always small faults you can criticize, and conscientious pastors agonize over them; but the hearers who single them out are despised scorners (Is 29:20-21). Peter preached like an unlearned fisherman to the scornful Jews, but he had the wise words of salvation from Jesus (Acts 4:12-13).

God will defend His preachers, as forty-two disrespectful children discovered (II Kings 2:23-25). He does not appreciate men ignoring or rejecting the message of His ambassadors (Deut 1:41-44). Paul despised such men (I Cor 14:36-38), and he did not allow foolish contentions, even about matters like the length of hair (I Cor 11:16).

Our proverb's warning is severe, because rebellion is as witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry (I Sam 15:22-23). If the Lord discerns you are protecting an idol in your heart, He will send you lying delusions, just as He did Ahab (Ezek 14:1-11; I Kings 22:8).

Let every reader consider the instruction that Eli gave Samuel, when he heard the Lord calling him at night. Eli told Samuel to answer by saying, "Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth" (I Sam 3:39). He that hath ears to hear; let him hear. And let his prayers come up as a sweet savor in the nostrils of our holy and just Father in heaven. Amen.














































































































