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More Proverbs

Proverbs 27:19

As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.

Water makes a natural mirror. Looking into water shows a man the image of his face. He can see how he looks, for the reflection is very accurate. Human hearts are also quite similar, as our natures, passions, and vulnerabilities are much the same. We can know much about another person's heart by virtue of knowing our own.

Here again is a simple simile, a comparison indicated by "like" or "as." In the way a man is able to see his face and know its features by the reflection he can see in water, so a man is able to know and understand other men through having a similar heart.

Though there is a way in which a man's heart answers himself by way of his conscience, that internal knowledge is not the lesson of this proverb (14:10; 20:27; John 8:9; Rom 2:15). The analogy chosen here and the lack of a reflexive pronoun indicate that we are dealing with the similarity of one man's heart to those of other men.

Consider species of birds, animals, and fish. Each individual creature is unique - there are no two parrots, dogs, or perch exactly alike. They have very slight variations in size, color, temperament, and strength, by breed and by individual. But within a species, they do all have the same nature. All parrots are similar - that's how we know they are parrots! They do not have an eagle's nature, nor do they have an ostrich's nature. We can learn a lot about parrots in general by having just one for a pet.

Men vary in size, color, temperament, intelligence, and strength. But all men still have the same heart and basic nature. No man has the nature of a parrot, dog, perch, or angel. He is a man, and the heart of one man is very similar to the hearts of other men. Our similarities of nature are much greater than our differences of individuality. Every snowflake is different, but all snowflakes are still frozen water vapor!

God made the hearts of all men alike (Ps 33:15), and all nations and races are made of the same human blood (Acts 17:26). From Adam to your grandchildren, man perpetually begets the next generation in his image and with his likeness (Gen 5:3). The same heart and nature is passed from one generation to the next.

The depraved heart of the natural man is the same from one person to the next. They all walk according to the course of this world and Satan's direction (Eph 2:1-3). They are all foolish, pleasure-mad, envious, and hateful (Titus 3:3). There are none that understand, seek God, or fear Him (Rom 3:9-18). "They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Ps 14:3).

The regenerated heart of the spiritual man is also the same from one person to the next. Every child of God knows the horrible conflict Paul described between the flesh and the spirit (Rom 7:14-24). They all know Paul's strait betwixt departing to be with Christ and remaining here to love and serve others (Phil 1:23-24). They all relate to the wide variety of psalms, in which David covered the spiritual spectrum of praise, prayer, distress, and delight. His very personal words describing his circumstances and passions answer the deepest thoughts of our own hearts better than we could ever express.

Our proverb teaches wisdom. We can know ourselves better by observing others. For we see the good (of the new man), the bad (of the old man), and the ugly (the perverse conflict of the two). It is only human pride that thinks we are different ... better than others. A wise man will remember, "As in water face answereth to face." A wise man will condescend to men of low estate, for he knows it is own true estate (Rom 12:16).

Our proverb teaches more wisdom. We can know others better by knowing ourselves. For we know the good (peace and joy in the Holy Ghost), the bad (guilt and pain of temptation and sin), and the ugly (the instability of the double minded man). We can help bear the burdens of others' suffering, and we can rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep (Rom 12:15).

Our proverb teaches even more wisdom. We can know how to treat others by how we want to be treated. For we know the good (actions we appreciate), the bad (actions we resent), and the ugly (the pain of inconsistency). The golden rule assumes how we want to be treated will be perfectly suitable for all others (Ex 23:19; Luke 6:31).

Every time we stoop to the froth of socially and politically correct speech, we defraud others and ourselves of true profit! For the reality of our hearts can provide the only help of value to other hearts, and only the reality of their hearts can truly connect with our hearts. Why do we waste so much time in foolish and superficial generalities!

Now reader, we must come to terms with this proverb. We can understand the actions of others better than we admit, for they are only doing what we ourselves do! We can commiserate with the suffering of others better than we admit, for we have known the very pain ourselves! We can receive and give counsel and comfort better than we do, for we know what we craved in their situation! We can pray for one another with heartfelt sympathy, for our experienced groanings can be offered up for them.

No honest person can say, "No one is suffering like me." For God has plainly declared that every man's temptations are common (I Cor 10:13). They are more similar from man to man than they are different. Get off your high horse, and humble yourself before God and all other men. We have been there before! You are not in uncharted territory!

Our blessed Lord was tempted in all points like we are tempted, and this experience makes Him a merciful, faithful, helpful, and compassionate High Priest (Heb 2:17-18; 4:15-16; 5:1-2). Yet He never sinned (Heb 4:15; 7:26)! We who know the grief, guilt, and shame of sin have humble roles to serve others (Gal 6:2; Heb 13:3; I Pet 3:8-9).



















































































































