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More Proverbs

Proverbs 23:26

My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.

Great fathers, stand up! Let your sons see your confidence and boldness! Ask for their hearts, on the basis of having their perfection your highest goal. Ask them to follow your example and instruction, on the promise you will live and teach the pure wisdom of God.

Alas, we are in a generation without men (Is 3:1-15)! They are AWOL from their great duty and privilege, the training of God-fearing men for the next generation. They are too preoccupied with their own lives, too selfish to care, too lazy to train, too weak to lead, too corrupt to follow, to fearful to confront. One weak generation of men begets another.

But men who fear the Lord and have a holy fire burning in your hearts, here is your opportunity. Lay claim to the sons God gave you; ask for their hearts, and give them a clear and holy path to follow by your example and teaching. God chose to perpetuate His truth and wisdom by great fathers (Deut 6:1-2,6-7,20-25; Ps 78:1-8; Joel 1:1-3; Eph 6:4).

Only fathers walking perfectly before God and regularly applying His wisdom have a right to say these words, for all hearts and eyes ultimately belong to Him with Whom we have to do (Heb 4:12-14). Solomon addressed his son like this twenty-two times; once a mother addressed her son (31:2). He boldly claimed his son's respect for his good doctrine, just as his father David had (4:1-4; 5:1; Ps 34:11)! See the comments on 4:11.

The heart holds our affections and motives, where we make life's decisions. See the comments on 4:23. It is the place of thoughts and plans, and it is far more important than merely controlling external conduct. Wise fathers want their children's hearts. They are won by cutting off evil influence, replacing it with holy influence, promising ultimate happiness, proving sincere affection, admitting obvious faults, praying for them, living consistently, exalting their Creator, and having God's answers for all of life's difficulties.

Fathers! The world wants your sons' hearts. It offers riches, honor, pleasure, ease, and popularity. It incessantly cries for them, especially in this age of electronic media. Alluring temptation confront them everywhere they go. Satan says, "If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine" (Luke 4:7). They hear this every day, repeatedly. Yet most sons have not heard their father's strong appeal for their hearts. If they heard one at all, it was often weak and tainted by the foolish and unhappy life of their father.

Fathers! Do your children know, understand, and believe you love them more than any one else ever will? Do they know that you teach them the way of life, to depart from the paths of death? You can and must convince them of this by consistent word and deed.

The eyes are synecdoche for the whole person, for it is by the eyes we see and follow a leader. See the comments on 4:25. Our sons live in our homes. They see all we do; they see all we should do; they see all we don't do. Godly fathers must provide a holy and consistent illustration of the truth they give by way of instruction.

Every man can be great, by the power of God and the wisdom of Scripture. Every man should be great by following the glorious example of Elihu (Job 32:1 - 37:24). Rather than addressing inferior sons, he boldly corrects and teaches four superior elders!

Fathers! Do you know the practical wisdom of the context (23:15-35)? Have you warned your son plainly about envying this world and forgetting coming judgment (17-18)? Have you warned him plainly about gluttony and drunkenness (20-21,29-35)? Have you warned him plainly about the strange woman and her wiles (27-28)? Have you begged him to consider the wise instruction of his mother and father (15-16,19,22-25)?

Godly men do not need Promise Keepers or Million Man Marches. They need Holy Spirit conviction and trembling humility before the Word of God. Their local church and pastor are sufficient to make them perfect (II Tim 3:16-17). They don't need an ecumenical cesspool of heresy to be great. They need to repent and do the simple duties that are clearly outlined and repeated in Scripture. They need to start today!

They don't need pretenders like Bill Gothard, James Dobson, and Jesse Jackson as their children's role models. A God-fearing man can do the job of being a great father by the wisdom of Scripture. Neither Abraham nor Joshua needed stadiums filled with compromisers to get motivated for their jobs - they feared the Lord enough to do it with just His command and the promise of family prosperity (29:17; Gen 18:19; Josh 24:15).

Our blessed Saviour, the Everlasting Father (Is 9:6), asks for our pure hearts (Heb 10:22). He can see every thought and intent within them (Heb 4:12), and He teaches us to exhort one another of His brethren to make sure none of our hearts are lost (Heb 3:12-13).














































































































