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More Proverbs

Proverbs 22:3

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Warning! Danger ahead! Proceed at your own risk! Wise men are farsighted - they look ahead for potential trouble. They avoid a painful future by altering decisions today. Fools are nearsighted - they confidently rush on with little regard to the risk of their actions. The warnings they ignored materialize into trouble that punishes them, often severely.

Prudent men - those with discretion and wisdom - see the danger ahead, so they avoid it. They do not want to be hurt, so they change their course. Simple men - the foolish and hasty - move forward without caution and get hurt. Caught up in the moment, they fail to protect their future. This rule is so important it has an identical twin (27:12).

Wisdom soberly looks ahead before making decisions. It knows pessimism is better than optimism. Our own proverb states, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Paul described this cautious approach as being circumspect - the inspection of every angle and direction, a full circle of caution (Eph 5:15)! Haste makes waste! Hindsight may see 20-20; but foresight in a wise man, with God's blessing, is just as good.

After several plagues, some of the Egyptians brought their cattle into their barns and houses, when they heard that Moses was threatening hail (Ex 9:20-21). They could look past their hatred of Moses and Israel to see the reality of the danger. But foolish Pharaoh, after all the plagues, took his chariot down into the Red Sea in passionate folly! The one saved their cattle from certain destruction; the other was punished by drowning!

Reader, slow down! Think! Where are you not looking ahead in your life? In what area are you bulling ahead against the warnings of wisdom and counselors? If you tend to haste, you need to consider this rule more than most. If you tend to stubbornness, you also need to consider it soberly. Have you carefully assessed all aspects of your life as to their consequences? If you have not, then do so today! Or you will be punished.

Consider war. A wise general sees a battle and its consequences and determines to withdraw to fight another time under different circumstances. The enemy, his own men, and his heart may call him a coward. But he knows discretion is better than valor. He wants the odds in his favor before fighting. A foolish general marches on, with a grand display of bravery, to the annihilation of his army.

Consider business. Foolish financial managers make short-term decisions for current profits, ignoring the coming changes in the economic or political environment that will wipe them out. Wise men have a strategic plan for future growth and safety, even though it may cost them short-term profits. They hide their companies from the coming trouble.

Consider business and investment opportunities. A wise man laughs at stories of quick riches, as he knows there is no free lunch. He looks for the fine print, the lying testimonials, and the promotional tricks. Fools, in their excitement to avoid labor and be somebody important, simply want to know where to sign and make their deposit. They believe every word they hear. Their punishment is certain.

Consider marriage. Fools follow emotions with little regard for proving a spouse. They end up in a painful marriage and are punished for the rest of their lives by their impatient, impulsive, and ignorant choice. Wise men use many counselors and God-given criteria to end dangerous relationships and identify worthy candidates.

Remember, the odious woman and strange woman are only known by looking past their present impressions (6:25; 30:23). Their appearance when "dating" is very desirable, but their future is miserable hell. Ask seven wise married people for their honest assessment before you plunge into a lifelong relationship out of infatuation or necessity.

Consider education. If a man does not prepare himself adequately for a profitable field of endeavor, he must endure the punishment of working harder for less money than his wise peers. The long-term pain of underemployment obliterates the short-term pleasure of playing basketball, idolizing cars, or taking life easy.

Consider finances. Fools spend their money and have no safety net for trouble, or capital to take advantage of lucrative opportunities. Wise men, by limiting spending and setting part of all income aside in saving, have both for the protection and prosperity of their family and estate. Again, only the man looking ahead will make the right choice today.

Consider child training. Wise parents see the spirits and actions of their children and alter their training to head off trouble down the road. Foolish parents, too lazy to either look or train, stay in their parental rut and suffer the painful consequences of rebellious children.

Consider sin. Wise men avoid temptations that lead to sin (Rom 13:14). They stay away from even the appearance of evil (I Thess 5:22). But fools rush on, like Samson and David, into sins that punish them horribly in the future. A wise man knows that watching television tonight will have painful consequences for his soul and family in the future.

Consider the Day of Judgment. Wise men see the terror coming and live a holy life in light of it (II Cor 5:10-11). But fools love the pleasures of sin for a season, ignoring the eternal pain of their actions. The short-term "pleasure" brings long-term punishment. Our whole world is insanely simple - they totally ignore this coming day of eternal horror.

The Lord Jesus Christ will soon appear. His coming will be a day of dread for those who lived in pleasure here. But it will be an eternity of pleasure for those who lived for Him here. Reader, be wise. Humble yourself, see the coming evil, and hide yourself in Christ!

















































































































