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More Proverbs

Proverbs 21:13

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

So you do not like to get involved? You did not bother to listen? You are sure others will take care of it? You are too busy? Your routine of selfish activities has no time to help? You are saving for the future and have no money for the poor? You did not know the need was great? You will help next time? Just remember, God will not hear when you cry unto Him, for He sees your selfish covetousness and hateful greed. When you are in need, He will laugh at you (1:26-31; 28:27)! He will hear their cry against you (Ex 22:21-24)!

A Jewish priest and Levite ignored their own wounded countryman lying helpless in the ditch (Luke 10:30-32). They did not want to get involved. They were too busy. They had plans for the day. They had no spare cash. But a Samaritan, who had no affection for Jews by nature or custom, had mercy on the wounded man and cared for him (Luke 10:33-35; John 4:9). This man loved his neighbor, and he was blessed. You may be assured that the glorious God ignored the priest and Levite later in their hour of need!

God watches the poor. Do not forget it (Deut 15:7-11; Ps 68:5). He sees when you ignore them; He sees when you help them. He will curse the one action and bless the other (11:26; 19:17; 22:9; 24:11-12; 28:27; 29:7; Ps 41:1-3). And so will men! They will return your lack of mercy back on you in your hour of need. It is your choice, but the consequences are terrible. Do not ignore a need, when you become aware of it.

Only the legitimate poor matter in the sight of God. Foolish or lazy men should starve; they deserve nothing (20:4; II Thess 3:10). You are first bound to care for your own family (I Tim 5:8), then for the poor in your church (Acts 2:44-45), then for the poor in other churches (Acts 11:27-30), and then for those of any kind that God puts in your path in the ordinary course of life (Luke 10:25-37; Job 31:16-22). The Bible does not obligate you to feel burdened for the poor of the world, for your four obligations will be enough.

When you plan a dinner and wonder whom to invite, you should invite those who are needy and cannot repay. God will repay. This is the law of Jesus Christ (Luke 14:12-14). Do not think only of your friends, for the great God of heaven will see this selfish hatred and ignore you in the day of your calamity. There are reasons why some men are blessed and others are cursed. How attentive and compassionate is your mind toward the poor?

A rich man who denied crumbs to a beggar in this life was denied a drop of water in the hellfire of the next life (Luke 16:19-26). Jesus Christ became poor to make you rich, and you should be most willing to do the same for your brethren (II Cor 8:9; I John 3:16-19).




















































