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More Proverbs

Proverbs 19:5

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.

How important is telling the truth? Extremely! A false witness is someone who tells lies against or for another person, especially when that person is on trial for a crime. But this proverb also condemns all lying. Liars will not escape punishment, for all good men, and magistrates and rulers, and the LORD God of heaven will all pursue them to judgment.

Reader, let this short sentence reflecting the LORD's hatred of lying cause your heart to tremble with fear about misrepresenting a matter or telling a lie. Only those who love death will rush over this proverb and enter into their day without checking carefully for honesty blemishes in the mirror of God's word (12:19; 21:6; James 1:21-26).

God hates lies and liars (6:17,19; 12:22; Ps 5:5-6), and all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire (Rev 21:8; 22:15). Every time a person lies, he claims and proves the devil is his father (Gen 3:1-5; John 8:44). The blessed God made it the ninth commandment (Ex 20:16), and His New Testament apostles blasted it also (Eph 4:25; Col 3:9; I Tim 1:10).

Lying will bring certain judgment. One lie leads to another to keep the previous one covered, until a liar is caught in a web of deceit that destroys his soul and reputation. Men depend upon truth for survival and success, so a liar will be avoided and punished (Ps 101:7). Civil authority depends upon truth, so they will punish liars (16:13; 17:7; 29:12; Deut 19:16-21). And God will judge liars severely (II Kings 5:25-27; Acts 5:1-11).

This proverb is weighty with a sober warning - and it is repeated just four proverbs later (19:9)! Do you get the message? God and all good men hate lying! You should hate it! The Bible is filled with a variety of warnings against lying (Lev 19:11; Ps 101:7; Jer 9:3-5; Acts 5:3-4). Be sure your sin will find you out - especially lying (12:19; Num 32:23)!

Do you embellish facts, exaggerate events, polish stories, or round numbers in your favor? Do you allow incorrect facts to stand, when they are in your favor? Ah reader! Speak the truth openly and plainly at all times. Hate lying and any of its subtle forms! Love honesty and truth! Pray for deliverance from this curse of the devil (Ps 119:29)!

Parents! Demand truth from your children from their earliest days, as babies begin lying before they begin talking (Ps 58:3-5). Emphasize total honesty in all family dealings and at all times, and punish lying more severely than most or all other infractions. Especially focus on lying to avoid punishment, for telling the truth then is learning the fear of God. If you do not punish them early and teach them to hate lying, they will be punished later!

Is it ever right to lie? Yes, when innocent life is at stake! Rahab was justified before God by lying to protect the two spies (Jas 2:25). God blessed two midwives for lying to Pharaoh to protect Israel's babies (Ex 1:15-21). David, the man after God's own heart, lied on numerous occasions (I Sam 19:11-17; 21:10-15; II Sam 15:31-37). And God sent a lying spirit to King Ahab, who neither desired nor deserved truth (I Kgs 22:19-22). These are just a few of the examples in the Bible of lying that are not condemned.

Our blessed Lord is the Faithful and True Witness (Rev 3:14). The reason others did not believe Him was because He told the truth (John 8:45)! Natural man prefers lies, and nothing has changed today! Evolution? What a ridiculous, insane lie! Churches preaching lies will always have larger crowds than those teaching truth (I Tim 4:1-3; II Tim 4:3-4). Wise men will not measure godliness by growth or success, but by truth (I Tim 6:3-6).





























































































































