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More Proverbs

Proverbs 18:8

The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.

Talebearing is spreading news about someone else. It hurts the reputation of whom it is told, and the man hearing it loses esteem for his friend. It does not matter that the information is true. It is still talebearing. This is a common sin, and the effects are very damaging with deep, long lasting consequences. The pain occurs in the most inner parts, the heart and soul (20:27,30).

Here is another sin, of many, now forgotten in our generation. Passing on news about someone is commonplace. Our nation no longer condemns gossip and tattling, synonyms for the sin of our proverb, which it did just a few decades ago. This proverb has a twin for emphasis (26:22). And see the comments on 11:13.

Talebearing is the same as backbiting and whispering in the Bible, all three of which are condemned as great sins. God commanded Israel, "Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people" (Lev 19:16).

The damage of spreading secrets is deep and painful. It will often be almost impossible to correct your sin. You have wounded the character and reputation of another. How will you repair it? This sin is the rape of a man's name and person, which can last a lifetime, so the Bible warns against it often (12:18; 16:28; 26:20-22; Ps 64:3-4; Rom 1:29-30).

Telling personal information about others has become well accepted. It is honored as excellence in news reporting by the media. There are radio and television programs and Internet sites dedicated to spreading rumors and/or news about people, especially those in authority. This is one of the chief signs of the degenerate condition of our generation.

A talebearer tells secrets (20:19). He, or often she, cannot keep the news to himself. He wants to spread it to damage the character and standing of another person or to foolishly gratify curiosity and be perceived as an informed person. Both motives are from hell! If you have a problem with something being done, tell it to them alone (25:9; Matt 18:15).

If two in the office often have lunch together, that is between them and God! He will judge. It is none of your business, and to whisper about it is to be guilty of this sin. What do you do, when you hear things like these: a neighbor gets a divorce, a secretary in purchasing might be a lesbian, a church member gets a speeding ticket, a cousin is pregnant out of wedlock, or there is suspicion the former mayor committed suicide?

This proverb does not deal with authority. Calling the police about suspicious activities is not talebearing. Reporting a crime is not talebearing. Those in authority have a need for the information. Every sincere reader knows we are dealing with a common sin.

Christian reader, it is your calling to put on Christ Jesus in your thoughts toward your brother or neighbor (Col 3:12-17). Your love of them, their name, their position, and their friends should put a guard on your tongue. Your goal should be to build them up, not tear them down.






































































































































