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More Proverbs

Proverbs 17:5

Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

A rich girl makes fun of a poor girl in class. An athletic boy ridicules a retarded boy. A man laughs when his competitor dies in an auto wreck. You should be greatly angered by such insensitive and wicked cruelty! God is! You should want to severely punish such insolence! God will! You should train your children to never think this way!

God leaves some men poor. Laughing at them offends Him, for He made men to differ, not you! The blessings you have in life are due to His merciful kindness (I Cor 4:7). You cannot boast of them as your accomplishments, and you cannot gloat over others who do not have them. God made the differences between you and others; humbly worship Him!

God judges men by holy and perfect justice. His secret decrees are far out of your sight. He has His infinitely wise purposes in all judgments in this world. If you are glad when your personal enemy is struck down, you are taking vicarious revenge (24:17-18)! You presume God did it out of honor to you! You have a wicked heart! You will be punished!

There are acts of God, and there are acts of fools. Do you know the difference? When a man is born blind, that is an act of God for His own glory (John 9:1-3). We should care for such persons with deep humility and tender compassion. But when the men of Sodom were struck blind at Lot's door, we should rejoice with holy laughter (Gen 19:11)!

There are enemies of God and truth, and you have personal enemies. Do you know the difference? When your personal enemy smites you on a cheek, you should turn to him the other cheek (Matt 5:38-48). But when God's enemies are seeking to destroy His church, it is time to celebrate and dance when their bodies wash up on shore (Ex 15:1-21).

Wise men know these differences. God laughs at fools when they get in trouble (1:26), and there is holy justice when we laugh with Him (Ps 52:6-7). God hates His enemies, and we should hate them as well (Ps 139:21-22). A psalm described godly men happily dashing the babies of Babylon against a stone (Ps 137:8-9). Mocking foolish men is wise and good (I Kgs 18:27; Eccl 10:12-15); mocking lazy men is wise and good (6:6-11; 19:24); and mocking odious women is wise and good (11:22; 27:15-16; 30:21-23).

If you are blessed, thank God for His mercy. But do not despise those who are not so blessed. The difference is by God's grace. If your enemy suffers, pray for him and help him (Ps 35:11-14; Luke 10:33-35). If you presume to despise the poor or rejoice when your enemy falls, God will revenge your arrogant and profane wickedness! Beware!






























































































































