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More Proverbs

Proverbs 15:23

A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!

Answering well is a wonderful thing, especially when it is done at the right time! It is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl (25:11)! Knowing how to answer others is a great skill wise men will diligently pursue. The ability to help another with the right words is serving in a precious and profitable way (12:14; 16:13; 23:16; 24:26; 25:12).

The Lord Jesus taught that giving is more blessed than receiving (Acts 20:35). And one of the finest ways to give and support others is with a kind or wise word when they need it. There is righteous joy in helping someone with good counsel. But such ability only comes by careful preparation before the opportunity presents itself.

Jesus Christ had this ability. "The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary" (Is 50:4). It is our duty and privilege to seek this wise tongue, so we also might help others. We can learn how to answer every man and take pleasure in doing it (Col 4:6; Gal 6:1-5; I Pet 3:15).

How? Listen very attentively and speak cautiously (18:13; James 1:19).

How? Reduce words to only valuable ones (10:19; 17:27-28; Eccl 5:3).

How? Spend time examining speech by prayer (Ps 19:12-14; 139:23-24).

How? Keep your heart and thoughts pure and wise (4:23; Luke 6:45).

How? Always be gracious in your speech (22:11; Eccl 10:12; Col 4:6).

How? Make the glory of God the object of speech (Col 3:17; I Cor 10:31).

How? Study to make sure all your answers are right (15:2,28; 16:23).

How? Make sure the words fit the occasion (10:32; 25:20; I Cor 13:5).

How? Choose words that build others up (12:18; Eph 4:29; I Cor 10:24).

How? Use gentle words when a person is angry (15:1; Judges 8:1-3).

How? Give certain words of truth rather than opinions (22:17-22).

How? Learn wisdom to solve dilemmas for others (10:21; 16:21; 27:9).

How? Be encouraging and uplifting to others (12:25; I Sam 23:16).

How? Use pleasant rather than harsh words (16:24; Col 4:6; Luke 4:22).

How? Do not debate or dispute with fools (23:9; 26:4-5; II Tim 2:23).

How? Avoid complaining or negative speech (17:20; Phil 2:14; Col 3:17).

How? Reject pride and contention in speech (13:10; 18:6; I Cor 6:7).

How? Let negative words only season speech (James 3:9-12; Col 4:6).

The true purpose of the church is the mutual help members give one another while waiting for the return of Jesus Christ (Heb 3:12-13; 10:23-25). But this great goal will only be realized where members learn to answer well at the right time. If godly speech is learned by all, a church can grow up to the full measure of Jesus Christ (Eph 4:13-16).

























































































































