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More Proverbs

Proverbs 15:13

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

A smile is the best facial! A joyful soul enhances your appearance more than anything else. A happy face is a wonderful thing, and it is the result of a peaceful and contented heart. But a troubled heart clouds your face, as it saps your features and body of energy and vitality. Wise men guard their hearts, and they learn to perceive the hearts of others.

Women spend much time, expense, and effort in being visually attractive. Yet a warm and sincere smile does more for their appearance than any hairdo, makeup, or accessories could ever do. Cheerful eyes, a relaxed face, a pleasant smile, and contented posture are much more appealing than fine clothing and perfect features! A kind and happy smile is ten times better than a bored look, angry face, furrowed brows, or haughty stare!

Your countenance is primarily your facial appearance, but it also includes your bearing and demeanor. It is your face and body language combined. When you are happy and joyful, your countenance reflects this inner condition. And when your soul is burdened under fear, loss, trouble, or worry, your face and body reveal it as well (I Sam 1:10,18).

When you are happy and excited, whether by circumstances or choice, you have extra energy, light, and life! And this refreshing carriage is often contagious to those around you. In the same way, when you are sad and discouraged, you have little energy, power, or resolve. And this depressed appearance drags those down that are with you.

What is the lesson? A wise man will rule his spirit to keep it from breaking (25:28). If he is cast down about anything, he will not let it destroy him (II Cor 4:9). He will remember the warning to weep without it seriously affecting him (I Cor 7:30). He will choose a merry heart for his approach to life, for the continual feast it brings (15:15).

What is the lesson? Wise men will consider and discern the souls of others by their outward countenance. True friends are born for adversity, and they will be ready to help in a time of grief or need (17:17). It is the duty of Christians in a church to consider when another member might be hurting (Rom 12:15; I Cor 12:26; I Thess 5:14; Heb 10:23-25).

How do you get a merry heart? It is a choice! The gracious God of heaven expects you to be joyful (Acts 14:17; Phil 4:4). If you know Him, how can you not be content (Ps 73:25-26; Heb 13:5-6)? With your heart in the right place, Solomon's priorities make sense (15:16-17). With eternal life as a gift of God and heaven waiting, what can get you down! And with a cheerful countenance, you give visual proof of Christianity's superiority.




















































