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More Proverbs

Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

Where will you hide from the LORD? David could not hide in heaven, hell, the farthest parts of the sea, or in darkness (Ps 139:7-12). God is everywhere to see everything (Jer 23:24). He is not watching from a distance, as one pagan lied in her popular song.

What can you hide from the LORD? David could not hide his thoughts, dreams, or unspoken words (Ps 139:1-6). Even the intents of the heart are known (15:11; Heb 4:12).

What will He overlook or approve? The LORD is in His holy temple! His eyelids see and hate all of your hypocrisies, sins, and evil thoughts (Ps 11:4; Hab 1:13).

No matter where you go or what you try to hide, the LORD sees and knows it all. All your ways are naked and opened to His all-seeing eyes (5:21; Job 34:21-22; Heb 4:13).

Young reader, what is hidden in your bedroom? The LORD sees it, knows why you have it, and will curse you for it. Achan buried stolen stuff in his tent, but the Lord showed it to Joshua; and he and his family were stoned and burned for it (Josh 7:1-26). What is hidden in your heart? The LORD sees it and will punish you, unless you repent.

Be sure your sin will find you out! God gave Moses these precious words (Num 32:23). You cannot hide sin from God. He sees and knows it all, and you will pay for it! The eyes of the Lord should cause us to tremble in holy fear with any thought of sin.

Men have lied to themselves that God does not see (Job 22:13-14; Ps 10:11; 73:11; 94:7; Ezek 8:12; 9:9). Reject such dangerous folly, dear reader; for it is Satan lying to you.

The LORD also sees your good works. He does not miss a single prayer you make in secret (Matt 6:1-8). Every good thing you have done will be remembered in the great Day of Judgment (Eccl 12:14; II Cor 5:10; Matt 25:31-40).

Christian woman, the LORD sees all you do for your husband and children. Comfort yourself at the end of a long day that your Heavenly Father sees and cares. Remember the case of poor Hagar - the Lord saw her and rescued her in great need (Gen 16:1-14).

He sees all your afflictions, so comfort yourself in any distress. He even bottles your tears and writes them in His book (Ps 56:8)! Not a sparrow can fall without His providential care, and you are of more value than many sparrows. Trust Him today.







































































































































