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More Proverbs

Proverbs 13:14

The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

Do you resent being told what to do? When a parent, teacher, or pastor gives you a law, it is for your own good. Be thankful! Consider it a fountain of life! Their laws are to bless your life and save you from trouble. No one by nature likes to be told what to do, but a noble person recognizes that wise laws are for his benefit (6:23; 14:27; 15:24; Ps 141:5).

Ponce de Leon sought the fountain of youth, in order to live longer. Laws from wise men are the fountain of life, in order to live better! They will save you from the snares of death, which are traps of sinful living bringing misery and destruction. If you are wise, you will never resent the correction of any wise teacher (8:36; Acts 17:11; I Thess 5:20).

Why do parents have rules against playing in the street? Because they want their child to live and not be killed by a vehicle! Should a child resent such a rule? No! Why do parents restrict activities with the opposite sex? Because they want their children to have lively marriages without the scar of fornication! In each case, the parental law is a blessing!

If you are noble and prudent, you will appreciate laws given by those wiser than you. If you desire success in life, you will accept and obey rules given to prosper and protect you. You will grasp the importance of learning from the wisdom of others. And you will remember that the laws they impose are to bless your life and guard you from death.

Why do nations have traffic laws? Schools have weapons rules? Factories have safety laws? The military have authority rules? Airlines have maintenance laws? And electric appliances have user rules? Because the laws and rules are given to protect the user from danger and death, and they are given to provide sufficient guidance for great success.

What causes you to resent rules? You think you know better? You know the teacher is not perfect? The rule restricts your freedom? The giver is too pushy? You think it is just a matter of opinion? You were not born yesterday? In all these cases, you are being foolish, for the law was given to help and protect you, not please or enrich the giver. It proves wisdom to accept instruction and correction. Only fools and scorners resent them.

How can you learn more laws of the wise? Trust your parents, who lived your life before you. Seek a multitude of counselors for major decisions. Crave your pastor's preaching, as he gives forth God's laws. And read the Bible to know the rules of wisdom to bless your life and protect you from death. The word of God is a lamp and light for your life (Ps 119:105), and it is able to clean up the lives of young men for success (Ps 119:9).






































































































































