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More Proverbs

Proverbs 12:27

The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.

Finishing a job is diligence and virtue. Slothful men start projects, but do not complete them. They enjoy hunting, even if early and difficult; but they lose their energy and focus when they get home and face dressing and processing a kill. A diligent man, on the other hand, salvages all the meat and does not rest until it is wrapped neatly in the freezer.

Hunters take pains to prepare for deer season. They sight rifles, scout land, secure a tree stand, carefully select clothing and equipment, rise while it is still cold and dark, carry their stand deep into the woods, fix it in a tree, and wait for the deer. Having shot one, they rejoice with friends, field dress it, and drag it to their truck, where they proudly drive through town to the praise of their friends. The slothful man is "working" well so far.

But when he gets home, his energy disappears! The carcass fills him with dread - there is so much work to do! So he gives it to his neighbor with great generosity, throws it in the dumpster, leaves it to his dogs, or lets it rot in the garage! Then he orders pizza to relax after his hard day with a well-deserved meal and nap! He doesn't even clean his guns! What a waste! He squanders the Lord's blessing on the little effort he did make.

But the diligent man is different. He enjoys the hunt, but he knows it is for a purpose. He dresses, butchers, and processes every bit of meat for future use; he neatly labels and packages it for convenient use by his wife. And he carefully cleans his gun to preserve its value. He is thankful for the gift of the deer, and he labors to take full advantage of the Lord's blessing. He takes of the day's venison and shares it with his family for supper.

What a difference these two men! The slothful man cannot finish a project to realize the profit of labor, but the diligent man sees the precious value in finishing every job and properly caring for every asset and all income. Sloth is foolish, wasteful, and destructive! Diligence is wise, resourceful, and productive! The diligent man shall rule (10:4; 12:24)!

The Preacher said, "He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster" (18:9). But the man in our proverb is both! His slothfulness caused him to waste God's good favor. He did not even have the noble work ethic of Esau (Gen 27:30-31).

Every man, every woman, every child, every day, faces this issue on the job, at home, at school, with numerous aspects of life. Needed projects are started, but they are seldom completed. Interruptions, difficulty, slothfulness, and procrastination keep them from being finished. They leave rotting carcasses in the garage, which soon stink up the home!

Reader, have you started any projects that you should finish this day to be productive and value the blessings of God in your life? Or will you squander His goodness by leaving a task unfinished, the cost of labor partly paid, but the full profit still waiting for the diligent man? There is joy in a job well done ... when it is finished! Test this wisdom! If you continue with partial efforts, the Lord will withdraw the blessing of giving a deer!

Parent, it is your duty to teach your children the self-discipline of finishing every project they start. This requires training, follow up, and punishment; but it will yield successful and noble children in the future. They will never be successful in any aspect of life, if you allow them to begin projects without finishing them. Teach them this wisdom of Solomon, and wait for the training to bear precious fruit. Finish this project, as all others!

Here is also a picture of slothful Christians. They hear the same word preached to others. Some do not prepare; it falls by the wayside; and the devil snatches it away. Some may even receive it joyfully; but they allow it to go to waste. Having little root in themselves, the dread of even minor persecution causes them to wither away (Matt 13:19-21). Only those who continue and bear fruit are true disciples (John 8:31; 15:8; II Pet 1:9).

How may times have you been graciously given, or diligently took, conviction from a sermon, but later let it slip away? Lord, save us from such waste! Grace in your soul that stirs conviction is precious indeed. Do not squander it! Run with it! Now! Do not stop pressing for the prize of God's high calling until you get to the end of the road! It is a fact taught by our Lord that the violent take the kingdom of God by force (Matt 11:12)!

God forbid we should make a profession of Christ, and then lose our full reward. Men will seek to beguile us out of it, so we must earnestly contend for it (Col 2:18; Jude 1:3; II John 1:8). There is a war for our souls, which we must fight to the finish, lest we become castaways through spiritual slothfulness (I Pet 2:11; 5:8; I Cor 9:27; II Tim 4:7). For this purpose we assemble with others to be provoked to finish our course (Heb 10:23-25).

Our blessed Lord shall not lose one elect soul given to His charge (John 6:39; 17:3; Heb 2:13). Ah, Christian reader, are you glad the Saviour knew no sloth in His life and work? Are you glad He did not leave even one of the elect unsaved? If He had, it might have been you! He went to work; He finished His work (John 4:34; 19:30)! Hallelujah! Amen!

































































































































