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More Proverbs

Proverbs 12:1

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.

Do you love to be taught? Do you love to be corrected? Do you love to be told you are wrong? Do you appreciate those who tell you how it ought to be done? Are you thankful for reminders to change? Wise and noble men and women will strongly say, "Yes!"

To grow in knowledge, someone must teach you. You must submit your mind and will to them. You grant them superiority. You admit inferiority. This requires humility, which most do not have. Only noble souls can willingly submit and be taught by another.

To grow in knowledge, you must admit ignorance or error. For either you did not know the matter, or you held a false position. You may even have taught others, and you will have to admit you taught them an error. Only noble souls can admit ignorance or error.

To grown in knowledge, you must change. Progress requires change; but change is humbling and difficult. Change means letting others see you were wrong; change means altering long established habits; change means explaining your new actions to others. Only noble souls can change.

If you do not like to be taught, you are like an animal. If you chafe under correction, you are like a beast. If you resent being told you are wrong, you are an irrational brute.

Brutish. Of or pertaining to the brutes, or lower animals, as opposed to man. Pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of the brutes: in want of intelligence or in failure to use reason: dull, irrational, uncultured, stupid.

Thank you, Preacher, for not being politically correct. Thank you for telling us plainly that resisting instruction is foolish. Thank you for commanding us to love instruction and reproof by this proverb. Let us not be animals (Ps 32:9)! See the comments on 26:3.

Parents teach children, and only brutish children resist or resent it. Parents know more than their children, have a long-term perspective, and care about the right things. It is a stupid child that ignores or hates instruction and reproof from his parents.

Masters teach servants, and only brutish servants resist or resent being told how to do a job. The master is more gifted, has much more at stake, sees the big picture, has done the job longer, and has the right to do things his way. Servants are just laborers; and they should be happy to listen, learn, and do it the master's way, especially Christian servants.

Pastors teach church members, and only brutish church members ignore, resist, or resent it. The pastor is the messenger of the Lord of hosts, and he brings inspired wisdom and truth from Scripture. The Bereans were noble for having ready minds (Acts 17:11). Paul commanded, "Despise not prophesyings" (I Thess 5:20).

Dear reader, the greatest key to progress and success, in any area of life, is your appreciation and acceptance of instruction and reproof. Did you read it? Do you believe it? Will you show it in your life? If you do not receive teaching and change your life when you are reproved, you are like an animal in the sight of God and wise men.

The Lord Jesus has much to teach us to bring us to perfection. And it will only happen if we are ready to receive instruction and if we love reproof. Lord, help us do both. Amen.

Cross-references: Proverbs 15:32










































































































































