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More Proverbs

Proverbs 8:19

My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.

Is anything better than money? After all, money can answer most issue (Eccl 7:12; 10:19). They say you cannot buy love, but love is fickle and often disappointing. Is anything better than money? Yes! Wisdom's effects on a life are better than fine gold or choice silver. No amount of money can buy wisdom (Job 28:15-19). It is a gift from God to those who ask and seek for it. Do you put forth the effort to obtain this precious asset?

The average man works forty hours a week; but with travel time to and from his job and required breaks, he can easily hit fifty hours or more. If he is ambitious or paid overtime, he may push the total to sixty, eighty, or even more hours. But what does this effort and zeal gain him? Any bed still brings sleep. Most any food still brings pleasure and health. What will he take with him when he dies? Has his extreme labor been in vain?

Men research for hours to find a better job, a new business plan, or investments yielding greater returns. They go to school for many years to qualify for lucrative professions. They apply themselves day and night to enhance their careers or build their businesses. But in the end, they have no wisdom, and they die like a dog. They leave behind lonely wives and dysfunctional children. They fret while alive, and they die frustrated.

Wisdom is the power of right judgment. It knows what is good in every situation. It understands life and knows God's will. It sees the lies and errors of men. It knows what is acceptable for any decision. It discerns the snares of false thinking and traps of deceivers. It glories in the truth about God, the universe, the purpose of man, and the right response to any predicament. It knows the way to success and favor with God and men.

But how many men seek wisdom as much as they seek money or wealth? Very few! The devil, the world, and their vain hearts have sold them a lie! They run furiously and painfully on the treadmill of life ... only to be thrown off into hell at the end.

This proverb is simple ... wisdom's effects on a life are more valuable than wealth. Solomon, who had both, knew. He said wisdom was more valuable (3:14-15; 8:10-11; 16:16; Job 28:15-19; Eccl 7:12; Ps 119:14,72,127). What will you do today to obtain it?

Wisdom is fearing God and keeping His commandments (1:7; 8:13; Eccl 12:13-14). His fear is found by humbling yourself, confessing your sins, and seeking His face. His commandments are in His scriptures, the Bible. What will you do today to seek the fear of God and learn the Bible? Will you give wisdom 1% of your day, or just 15 minutes?




















































