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More Proverbs

Proverbs 8:12

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Prudent creativity, exploratory knowledge, innovative solutions, and inventive genius are God's gifts; and they are given to men where wisdom is exalted. When wisdom is promoted - the fear of the Lord and love of Scripture - wonderful innovations and inventions will follow. Solomon by this short proverb further promotes wisdom to men.

Every time you use new technology, benefit from a new procedure, or are shown a new solution, remember to bless the gracious God for the "witty invention" and exalt the wisdom that discovered it. Lady Wisdom is the kind source of prudence and knowledge in the advancement of men. She delights in serving and helping the sons of men (8:31).

Wisdom applied is prudence, and it leads to adapting new methods to accomplish old tasks in an easier, more economical, and more efficient way. The advancement of any society is dependent on the degree of wisdom and blessing they have from the Most High. Wisdom seeks superior solutions to difficulties others accept as unavoidable.

Wisdom is profitable to direct (Eccl 10:10). A fool glories in bicep size from beating trees down with a dull ax; but a wise man uses a file to sharpen his ax, which allows him to cut trees down in a fraction of the time and effort of the fool. Wisdom leads to prudence and witty inventions! Obviously, some men and societies are perpetual fools!

Farming is not the result of Neanderthal half-monkeys experimenting by trial and error over many years - it is the gift of God's wisdom (Is 28:23-29). There are still men in certain parts of the world who have not yet thought of planting and harvesting. They are content to chase rabbits with boomerangs or shoot monkeys with blowguns. The wise and orderly planting, fertilizing, weeding, watering, harvesting, and processing of the various food grains is a gift from heaven. Read the passage given, and rejoice in the LORD!

Do you glorify God for washing machines, computers, ice cream, and airplanes? Are you thankful for the wisdom of credit cards, accurate weights and measures, stable banking, and a legal system of presumed innocence? Do you rejoice in the Lord for interstate highways, antibiotics, the Internet, microwave ovens, and cheap ice? You should!

The ultimate prudence and creative solution is the plan of salvation (Is 52:13; I Cor 1:24,30). How can a holy God justify sinners and maintain His perfect justice? With infinite wisdom, He sent Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, to die as a substitute, and to rise from the dead! The angels desire to look into this incredible transaction (I Pet 1:10-12).

































































































































