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More Proverbs

Proverbs 8:7

For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Lady Wisdom does not believe in free speech! She only talks about excellent things and right things (8:6). She speaks the truth and hates wicked words (8:7). Every word she utters is righteous, and she never says anything corrupt or perverse (8:8). Wisdom is gloriously pure, without deceit or lies, totally unlike any other source of information. If you are tired of the vain and profane rants of liars and perverts, then lay hold of the Bible.

This chapter of Proverbs is a lengthy personification of wisdom as a woman. Solomon used this literary device to exalt wisdom and present it as personally and powerfully as possible. The overall lesson is to grasp the importance of wisdom, the benefits that come from having it, and the easy availability of it for those who want it. The proverb before you describes the nature of wisdom as loving only truth and hating wicked thoughts.

All men are fools by nature (22:15; Ps 14:1-3; Titus 3:3). All men are liars by nature (Ps 58:3; John 8:44; Eph 2:1-3). All men are corrupt and perverse by nature (Rom 3:9-18; 8:7-8; I Cor 2:14). Therefore, when they open their mouths, out comes a flood of stinking sewage (15:2,28; Ps 59:5-7; Eccl 10:12-14). This is the way of men. The only cure is wisdom, which begins by fearing God and grows by learning His words (9:10; Ps 19:7).

Evolutionists babble arrogantly for hours about a big bang they never witnessed nor for which there is any evidence (I Tim 6:20-21). Americans cackle profanely on cue from comedians spewing one-line inane jokes and jests (Eph 5:3-7). College students pompously debate issues about which they know less than nothing (13:16; 17:24; 18:2). Politicians promise things not one sane person knows can be or will be (II Sam 15:1-6).

Rappers, calling themselves artists, chatter like baboons about twisted sex and murder. Spock and Dobson pontificate about training a new generation of anarchists. Muslims chant toward a black meteorite in Mecca and plan the next jihad. Tree huggers cry about owls losing nests to loggers, while they abort human babies. Courts rule that two men can have a marriage but outlaw bestiality to protect animals. Professors worry about noise pollution irritating dolphins but argue that capital punishment does not deter murderers.

Preachers style their hair and bleach their teeth, as they turn from truth to fables (II Tim 4:3-4). These carnal liars promise freedom to hearers, while they are slaves to sin (II Pet 2:18-20). Hypocrites talk sweetly and shake hands, but they are full of hatred (26:24-26; Ps 144:7-8,11). Whores flatter men into beds of death and hell (7:21-27). Foolish children curse their parents (20:20). And odious wives debate their husbands (19:13; 27:15-16).

When are you going to get sick of free speech? How many more lies will it take for you to demand truth in everything you hear? Men do not have the right to say anything they wish! They have the responsibility to say the truth! The right to free speech is from hell, where the father of lies is concocting the next speeches by the ACLU, PETA, and the UN to further undermine truth in the world and captivate the millions following him to hell.

But every word of God is pure (30:6). The Bible tells the truth about origins (Gen 1:1; Heb 11:3). It repudiates jesting, as it demands sobriety (Titus 2:2,6). With glorious simplicity, it exalts loving marriages, happy homes, spiritual churches, mighty nations, and prosperous businesses. It cuts through the deceit and errors of men to exalt pure truth (Ps 119:98-100,113,128; Is 8:20; I Tim 6:3-5). Wise men will read, consider, and apply the Bible to their lives (Josh 1:7-9; Job 23:12; Ps 1:1-3; II Tim 3:16-17; II Pet 1:19-21).

Wisdom can teach you the knowledge and skill of sound speech (16:23). It can give you the certain words of truth to answer those who ask questions (22:17-21). It will fill your heart with pleasant things for a perpetual treasure (Ps 19:10-11; 119:72,111). It can teach you the pureness of heart that produces gracious speech to win the love of kings (22:11). It will guide you to speaking the right word at the right time (17:27; 24:26; 25:11).

Why would you ever consider remaining a fool (8:1-5,32-36; 9:1-12)? Wisdom is offered to you today in the visible creation, the proverb before you, and the instruction of this commentary. Every one of her words is pure truth. She will never deceive you. Love her and she will make you great (8:17-21). Wisdom is the principal thing; get it (4:5-9)! And where is it found? In the words of the living God that make up the King James Version!




















































