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More Proverbs

Proverbs 7:11

(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:

Here are character traits of a whore, an adulteress. All wise women will diligently avoid these traits, and all wise men will diligently avoid women with them. Here is wisdom buried in a lengthy description of a strange woman seducing and destroying a young man.

This chapter primarily consists of a dramatic parable about a young man being tempted and taken by the strange woman (7:6-23). Solomon, ever the wise father, uses it to impress upon his son and children the dangers of this seductive creature (7:1-5,24-27).

The whore is generally a loud woman. She likes to talk; she talks a lot; and she talks loudly (9:13). She is ready to give her opinion, even though she is usually ignorant of the subject matter, whether it was asked for or not. If she receives any resistance, she just gets louder. She corrects anyone else speaking for little details that are irrelevant.

She likes to finish the sentences of others. You can hear her loudly correcting her children and husband. Verbal sparring delights her. She is self-willed, headstrong, and wants to express her opinion. She is forward and uncouth with her mouth, irritating and rude with her words, and contrary in her speech. You have heard her before. Avoid her!

The godly woman, who is far superior to the best whore, has a meek and quiet spirit, which God Himself considers of great value (I Pet 3:3-4). She remembers her subordinate role; she is always gracious; kindness rules her mouth; and she does not mind being silent (11:16; 31:26; I Cor 14:34-35). She considers modesty and shamefacedness to be virtues (I Tim 2:9-10). When she speaks, they are words others appreciate (15:23; 24:26; 25:11).

Christian woman, can you cut your words and volume in half? Is it possible? Such a simple change will dramatically increase your esteem by good men and women. Your reputation will grow with each reduction in number of words and decibels (17:27-28).

The whore is generally a stubborn woman. She does not like to be told what to do; she wants to do things her way; she resents being accountable to anyone; she hates correction and instruction. She is self-willed and loves her opinions. Whether authority or affection is used to win her, she will resist until the matter meets her own approval. She will use tears, threats, emotion, or other responses to resist leadership of her husband and others.

The virtuous woman, who is far superior to the best whore, is cheerfully submissive and very willing to follow the leadership of her husband (Eph 5:22-24; Col 3:18). She does not balk, question, or contend with her husband. She knows she was created for him, and she knows she is to reverence and fear him (I Cor 11:9; Eph 5:33; I Pet 3:1-2).

Christian woman, do you know that stubbornness is a hateful trait in a woman. It truly makes her odious (30:21-23). A contentious woman makes married life miserable (12:4; 19:13; 21:9,19; 25:24; 27:15-16). Cheerfully obey without answering again, and you will see an improvement in how you are treated by husband, family, and others.

The whore generally does not like to stay at home (7:12). Domestic duties of serving a husband and children are boring, frustrating, and beneath her. She wants to be out and about in the city, attending this and that activity to the neglect of her high calling. She is bored being a housewife; she gets claustrophobic; she loves to shop; she loves to leave her house. She is not content working at home to make her house and family the best.

The noble woman, who is far superior to the best whore, loves her domestic calling and cheerfully remains at home to manage the house and provide for her man and his children (31:10-31; Gen 18:9; I Tim 5:13-14; Tit 2:4-5). She understands her very significant role in supporting her husband and caring for his children. Nursing a baby and preparing a meal for her family are delights to her soul, even if they include cleaning up the baby later and having a kitchen to clean after supper.

Christian woman, will you make greater efforts this very day to be quiet, submissive, and happy in your domestic duties? You can build your house - your family and estate - by wisdom in these areas (14:1). You can be great in the sight of God and men by rejecting the character traits of the strange woman.

Let every woman naming the name of Christ reject loudness, stubbornness, and dislike of home life. Choose rather to be a living example of a meek and quiet spirit, submission and reverence to your husband, and the domestic queen of 31:10-31. You will rejoice in time to come, as God blesses your virtuous strength with godly fruit and blessing (31:25).

Let every man avoid and reject women having these wicked traits. Such women do not deserve a place in human society, and they especially do not deserve a husband to support and secure their wicked lives. Young man, the choice is yours. But you will bear your own burden. Pursue gracious and virtuous women, and reject all others.

The great whore of Rome and her harlot daughters have loud pretensions, stubbornness for human tradition over Scripture, and long ago departed from simple apostolic Christianity. Let every church examine itself to make sure Rome has not infected her. And let every saint depart out of her, lest you be taken in her sins and plagues (Rev 18:4).

As the true bride of Christ, each Christian, of either sex, owes their Lord and Husband their quiet submission and ready willingness to serve in His church. Every saint should submit quietly to his duties of service in the kingdom of God. Rather than being enamored with new doctrines and innovative practices, let His true children find their place listening well, obeying faithfully, and fulfilling their God-given role in the church.

























































































































