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More Proverbs

Proverbs 5:8

Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:

How close should you get to a cliff in the dark? How close should you allow a baby to play near a pool? How many loaded guns should you leave accessible to young children?

The strange woman, a whore or adulteress, is a great danger for men (5:1-5). Many Christian homes and pulpits are too refined to speak openly about her, and the rest are too carnal and worldly to notice or care. But God's wisdom is to identify her, condemn her, and give men sober and practical wisdom against her.

To be silent on this subject is to commit moral murder and reject God's word, for fornication is a great threat to men. Few can resist an attractive woman using words and wiles inviting him to intimacy (7:13-21). Samson, the strongest of men, gave away his glorious secret to a Philistine whore, whom he knew sought his destruction (7:26).

Our proverb is a simple solution - a wonderful rule from heaven. Do you truly want to walk with God and please Him in all things? Here is wisdom: stay far away from her, and don't even get near her! The cure for sexual temptation is to get far away from it, just as you would a cliff in the dark. Get away! Get far away! Get far away now!

Sexual temptation is too great to play with it. You must run away from any influence even leading to thoughts of other women. You cannot justify any! Get away! You cannot play with this temptation at all. Young man! Flee youthful lusts (II Tim 2:22)! If you give this sin any room at all, it will deceive and seduce your soul like no other. If you give her an opening, you will have no strength to resist her words and wiles.

Jesus told men to pluck out their eyes or cut off their hands, when it comes to sexual temptation. He did not mean body mutilation. He meant giving up any and every thing in life, no matter how valuable or precious, if it tempts you toward this sin (Mat 5:27-30).

Paul told men to make no provision for the flesh, which means avoiding anything that might even lead toward the possibility of sin (Rom 13:13-14). Get away! Get far away! Don't even give this sin a chance to get started! Don't even give it a possibility! Run!

But men play with television, where attractive women with few clothes and no morals create a powerful stimulus for sexual thoughts. David, the man after God's own heart, whose name was much set by in Israel, would not set a wicked thing before his eyes (Ps 101:3). Reader, you must treat the television like an intruder at night. Fear it, and hate it!

Job made a covenant with his eyes to avoid even looking or thinking on any woman other than his wife (Job 31:1). And he begged for painful judgment, if he did (Job 31:9-12). How much television do you think this perfect, God-fearing man would watch in a week?

But men play with pornography, where numerous techniques are used to create the ultimate visual images. The strange women in the pictures are everything Solomon warned against. To argue that no one gets hurt with pornography is to ignore God, your present or future wife, your own soul, and your children. For it will totally destroy you.

Men play with pools, beaches, and cruises, where women wear less than underwear, though much prettier. What is wrong with such vacations? Proverbs 5:8, that's what!

But men play with malls and popular restaurants, where barely-dressed women parade back and forth. Such places may be the eyes and hands you must remove from your life!

Men play with office situations, where forward secretaries vie for male attention with sensual clothing and flirtatious ways. Can't quit your job because of sexual temptation? Is that what you would tell Joseph, who went to prison to avoid his mistress?

Joseph knew what to do. He ran from her presence so hastily that he left a garment in her hands. And he did this knowing the full consequences of his right choice (Gen 39:7-20).

Men play with temptation of neighbors, church members, and other friends. The choice is simple - either get totally away from the situation or prepare to die. You cannot play with fire and not get burned. You cannot walk the edge of a cliff in the dark and not fall. Even if the act never occurs, the damage to your soul from sexual fantasies will be deep and permanent, apart from the healing grace of God. The thought of foolishness is sin!

If you need to cancel subscriptions or the internet, cancel them! If you need to change gyms to avoid women in spandex, then change your membership! If you can no longer vacation at the beach, then learn to love the mountains! If you need to ask for a transfer away from your departmental secretary, then ask for it immediately!

Christian man, if you stay far away from her, you will never be with her. Simple, isn't it? But Satan and our generation are trying to bring her into your home by way of television, the internet, magazines, newspapers, and other aspects of our modern society. You must cut off these opportunities. If you cannot control them, then get rid of them altogether.

The choice is yours. If you love the Lord Jesus Christ, then you will flee anything that leads to sin against Him. If you love holiness, then you will hate iniquity and one of the greatest temptations toward it - the strange woman. Hate her! For she will damn your soul for only apparent pleasure, and that only for a short season. Hell will last forever!

Our Lord was tempted in all points like we are, yet He never sinned. He knows about sexual temptations, but He calls with authoritative power and tender affection to avoid her. Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity (II Tim 2:19)!






































































































































