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More Proverbs

Proverbs 5:1

My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:

Father! Do you teach your son wisdom and understanding? Do you practically instruct him about life's great dangers - including whorish women? Son! Do you listen to your father and humbly learn his wisdom and understanding? Do you know he was a man long before your birth and wants to deliver you from trouble in life? Sit down! Pay attention!

Solomon told his son to listen to his instruction. Without fear or false humility, he told his son that he possessed wisdom and understanding his son did not have. And he told his son to pay attention and humble himself - "bow thine ear" - for this fatherly advice. Though Solomon was a king, this instruction was between a man and his son. Every father who fears God and loves wisdom will appreciate this example. Father! Do it!

There is no place for fear in the father-son relationship. Father! Do not be afraid to confront your son, tell him his errors, warn him of coming danger, and give him strong advice to avoid trouble. You know far more than your son, no matter how arrogant and brash he might be. Even if he disregards your instruction, you will have done what God expects. The LORD will bless you; and your son will recall the advice later. Count on it!

There is no place for false humility in the father-son relationship. An effeminate concept of false humility is being sown today. Hate it! Reject it! Your son is not your equal - he is a moron in comparison. Do not apologize for, or soft sell, your superior wisdom. It is not humility to apologize or waffle about your wisdom. It is arrogant pride to disregard God's order and neglect your son's training. Get a hold of this distinction! Read Job 32!

If your son is not a God-fearing success, it is because you neglected his training. It is that simple. Training does work (22:6,15; 29:15). But you must take the time, prepare an agenda, get with your son, and open your mouth wide to let that wisdom get from your heart to his ears! Playing checkers at night does not cut it, in spite of what the effeminate creep James Dobson might croon on Christian radio to silly women (II Tim 3:6-7).

Father! You are a man. You know your weakness for beautiful women. You know the pain of odious women. You know the trouble of fornication and adultery. Tell your son. Tell him plainly. Tell him graphically. Solomon did! Anything less is your arrogant folly!

Son! You are a boy. Your father is a man. Listen to him. He was a man before you were born. He fathered you by a woman before you had being. He knows more about women than you will learn in the next 20 years. Sit down! Stay still! And pay attention!

Reader! God in heaven is your Father by creation, and hopefully again by salvation. He knows more than you will ever learn on any subject by a factor called infinite! Pay attention! Humble yourself! Despise your own thoughts! Love preaching! Follow your pastor's every sentence! Review the sermons! Read your Bible! Save yourself!







































































































































